The latest release of Android is here! Android 9 Pie — For The Developers.. (Part 1)
Android 9 (API level 28) come with- the power of Artificial Intelligence to give you more from your phone.
Now it’s smarter, faster and adapts as you use it. So without wasting time lets see what are the new features, improvements and API changes that this update brings to the developers.
If you are equally exited as am I, let’s lets get started… we are going to discuss all the important features and changes in Android P and how you can benefit from it.
Indoor positioning with Wi-Fi RTT
- Android 9 adds platform support for the IEEE 802.11 mc Wi-Fi protocol . — Also known as a WiFi Round Trip Time (RTT)
- This let you take the advantages of the indoor positioning.
- To implement this feature your app can use the RTT APIs to measure the distance to nearby RTT-capable Wi-Fi access points(APs)
Display cutout support
Android 9 offers support for the latest edge-to-edge screens that contain display cutouts for camera and the speaker.
A new window cutout attributes, layoutInDisplayCutoutMode allows your app to lay-out it’s content around a devices cutouts.
You can set this attribute using one of the following values :-
- In this image
is used.
Starting in Android 7.0(API level 24), you could add an action to reply to message, Android 9 enhances this feature with the following enhancements :-
- Simplified support for conversation participantes. :-
- Support for images :-
- Save replies as a drafts :-
- Identify conversation is a group conversation :-
- Set the semantic action for an intent :-
Allows to give a semantic meaning to an action ie “mark as read ✅” ,“delete ❌” , “reply” - Smart reply :- Android 9 support suggested replies :-
Channel settings, broadcasts, and Do Not Disturb
- Set Daily time limits :-
App timers let you know when you are close to your set limits. And app icons . gray out when you reach to the limit to remind you your goal.
So by now you should have get a good idea about all smarter features in Android P.. We have more..I will discussed that in next blog.. So stay tuned..