Datadog: Monitoring and analysis + Implementation

Vrushali Raut
3 min readMar 12, 2019


Datadog: Three pillars of observability

I am analyzing Datadog monitors nowadays. I would like to share insight which will help you to understand the basics of it.

* Table of Contents:-

  1. What is datalog?
  2. What types of monitoring can be done?
  3. Dashboard introduction
  4. How to integrate with REST OR gRPC service.

* Datadog:-

Datadog is a monitoring service for cloud-scale applications, providing monitoring of servers, databases, tools, and services, through a SaaS-based data analytics platform

* What types of monitoring can be done?

Datadog is great for businesses that need…

  1. Cloud monitoring
  2. Server performance monitoring service
  3. Server monitoring tools
  4. Server usage analytics
  5. 80+ turn-key integrations for data aggregation
  6. Alert notifications via e-mail and PagerDuty
  7. Full API access
  8. Overlay metrics and events across disparate sources
  9. An easy way to compute rates, ratios, averages, or integrals
  10. Sampling intervals of 10 seconds
  11. Tools for team collaboration

* Datadog introduction:-

In this part, we will see the whole data dog dashboard introduction. I will explain all the major key sections.

A. Events:-

The Event Stream is based on the same conventions as a blog:

  • Every event in the stream can be commented on.
  • Great for distributed teams and maintaining the focus of an investigation.
  • You can filter by: user, source, tag, host, status, priority, incident
  • On the left-hand side, you can see a list of all data sources integrated.

B. Dashboards:- There are 2 types of the dashboard you can create using Datadog

  1. New Timeboard — For troubleshooting and correlation
    Time-synchronized metrics and event graph Automatic layout. Timeboards allows you to troubleshoot issues by pinpointing to the metrics and services at the same time.
Datadog time board

2. New Screenboard — For status board and sharing data.
Mix widget and timeframes Custom drag-and-drop layout. Screenboards are ideal for checking the overall health and status of the services and entire architecture.

Datadog screen board

C. Infrastructure:-

The Infrastructure list page shows all hosts monitored by your Datadog application.

you can see the tags applied to each machine; as they’re assigned to perform certain roles, tagging allows you to indicate machines have a certain purpose.

D. Monitors:-

Applies to any metric you want, revenue: data center temperature.

  • Multi alerts (by device, host, etc.)
  • Set alert notification message

E. APM(Tracing):-

Datadog APM provides you with deep insight into your application’s performance-from automatically generated dashboards monitoring key metrics

Datadog tracing

* How to integrate:-

More than 200 built-in integrations. you can integrate it into your project here is an interactive video to get started.

* Implement it with REST service


Once you add a dependency, you need to implement statsD client in your rest service like this.

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About Me:
I’m Product Engineer at GOJEK. You can connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter. Feel free to get in touch with me.



Vrushali Raut
Vrushali Raut

Written by Vrushali Raut

I’m a Engineer. Ex Spenmo, Gojek, Leftshift . I love to share my experiments, learnings via Blogs.

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