Before Pushing Clojure code to gitlab?
1 min readApr 16, 2021
When you write a snippet of code in Clojure and want to test’s everything works use following handy cheatsheet before pushing your code to gitlab CI.
- `lein clean` :-
clean the local repository of unused artifacts
- `lein test` :-
run the tests in the TESTS namespaces, or all tests
- `lein test :only test/worker/service/xyz_test.clj` :-
run the single test in the TESTS namespaces
- `lein coverage` :-
show test coverage report by analysing whole project
- `lein cljfmt check` :-
check if project has any formatting errors.
- `lein cljfmt fix` :-
fix formatting error
- `lein eastwood ` :-
eastwood is a clojure lint tool to inspect namespace and report possible problems.
more reference - `lein deps` :-
load dependencies of clojure
For more reference of Clojure basic usage check library details here :-
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